Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Night

It's Sunday night, I should be sleeping. We have a busy week ahead of us and I know I am not the least bit prepared for the chaos that will be our life.

I am trying (and failing miserably) to stay on top of the schedule and allow myself the luxury of being proactive. It seems that I spend my day reacting to what is happening. When I am actually able to be proactive, I get so much more accomplished. I end up with time during the day to read with the little ones, or build a Lego truck for William, or stack blocks with Sarah. When I am reactive, it seems I get all the way to dinner and find I haven't read a single story to anyone.

So, looking ahead (and trying to be proactive) - I don't have a single day where I get to stay home in the morning. Tuesday and Thursday are my usual days at home, but there are school activities for both girls. That means that I will have to really make the effort to stay on top of the laundry and basic cleaning - otherwise, we'll get to Saturday in complete and utter disarray.

Oh, well, at least the meals are planned for the week. I can't find my list right now - but I do know I planned them out. I know I have most of the ingredients on hand. I know nothing is terribly complicated on our really busy days.

And, on that note - time to go make sure everything is prepped to hit the ground running first thing tomorrow.

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